Bicicletas Salchi offers all your customers the following discount coupons in your On-Line store. Our shop continuously offers different discount coupons to apply to your purchases.
Discount coupons apply to the cart page at the end of the purchase, clicking on the text Do you have a discount code? we introduced the code into the text box and gave the AGREGAR button.
- The CONSALCHI coupon applies a 10% discount for all items except for those that have discounts or belong to the following brands: TREK, GARMIN, GIANT, LIV, GOBIK, TACX, FAVERO, ELITE, SCOTT BICI, WAHOO, . It will generate 2 maximum coupons per person and purchase with a minimum purchase of 49€. Delivery costs are excluded.
- Stock of items. The stock of the items may not be real for various reasons: simultaneous purchase of different people of the same product, error in stock control in store. Bicicletas Salchi is not held responsible for the errors in stock. In such a way that if the purchased product did not remain in stock, the abono would be made or a better solution would always be sought for the benefit of the customer.
- Discounts. Discounts applied in Bicicletas Salchi they are only for items in stock. These discounts will always be the ones indicated on the web, at no time will they be modified or added to other promotional discounts.
- Duration: unlimited
- The WELCOMEBCS coupon applies a 15% discount for those customers registered on our website, valid for all items except for those that have discounts or belong to the following brands: TREK, GARMIN, GOBIK, TACX, FAVERO, ELITE, SCOTT BICI, WAHOO. It will generate 1 maximum coupon per person and purchase, with a minimum purchase of 49€. Delivery costs are excluded.
- Stock of items. The stock of the items may not be real for various reasons: simultaneous purchase of different people of the same product, error in stock control in store. Bicicletas Salchi is not held responsible for the errors in stock. In such a way that if the purchased product did not remain in stock, the abono would be made or a better solution would always be sought for the benefit of the customer.
- Discounts. Discounts applied in Bicicletas Salchi they are only for items in stock. These discounts will always be the ones indicated on the web, at no time will they be modified or added to other promotional discounts.
- Duration: unlimited
Resto of coupons
- All discount coupons offered by the online shop, will not be accrued to offers or discounts in force. They will only apply to products without discount, that is to say products to the PVP.
* SALCHI BICKETS, reserves the right to modify specifications or prices.