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It has been designed to provide superior solidity with the least possible weight. The new OverDrive 2 technology provides security and great handling, while the use of high quality materials allows to reduce the vibrations of the road. Full Carbon +/- 8 degrees OD2, increases the frontal stiffness compatible with 28.6 with built-in caps Longitudes: 80-90-100-110-120
Section design in large box 100% ultralight composite to increase torsion stiffness and optimized vertical vibration resistance
Large alloy clamping plate of 46 mm
Semi-integrated upper cap and separator to increase contact between power and fork in order to improve stiffness and control
Titanium components
1.25-inch OverDrive Fork Holder (includes 1.125-inch P/Fork Adapter")
Clamp diameter: 31.8 mm
The height of ±8° requires a smaller number of separators
10 sizes: 90-100-110-120 mm
Weight: 135 to 140 g
Available in carbon/white or carbon/dark
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